"INDIA is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most intructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only."
-Mark Twain

Friday, February 11, 2011

Young minds - Warnings from GenX :) !!!

The most enthusiastic lot of the Indians... "youth" is undoubtedly the responsible and prestigious position amongst all groups of the lot. Apart from the cliche that the young minds are  aggressive and "hurrying" haste-actors, We wanted to throw light on what today's young minds really deal with and the problems associated.. :).
We wanted to discuss the issues and shout aloud to the world the grief we had within us all these years.. Not that we don't dare to pull out the collars of the black sheep (oldies most of them !!) and express our aggression... It gives you just one message... We still have a small belief in the motto behind which the present set of rules were framed. The day is not very far off... where either every youth fills in the Ballot Box with 49 'O' or never turns up to the booth. giving up his hope in democracy. . . which eventually is a shame to the Rulers since Independence!!

Prioritizing the problems around us today was a difficult task. Not owing to the scarcity of problems in number but the competition amongst them as they all deserve the no.1 spot.!!! I could easily form the following table and i am sure i have missed many!!
PRESENT DAY HURDLES BEFORE US (Black marks on us!! ) !!!

The following list is our achievements in the past years??!!! :)

  • A - Adarsh housing Scams
  • B - Bofors case 
  • C - Commonwealth Scandals
  • D - Documents and Stamp paper frauds.
  • E - Environmental issues.
  • F - Fishermen deaths
  • G - Godhra Massacre and associated communal riots.
  • H - Harshath Mehta's manipulations ??!!!!
  • I -  Intellectual thefts of indian assets.. (Nuke deal, Attacks on Indian students abroad.. )
  • J -  Judiciary Corruptions (CJI case??!!!)
  • K - Kashmir issue 
  • L -  LTTE and lankan genocide !!
  • M - Mis-handling of Nuke deal
  • N - Naxalite terrorism
  • O - Ozone holes and Global warming issues
  • P - Price rise issues.
  • Q - Queuing of pending cases in courts in INDIA.
  • R - River water disputes
  • S - Spectrum
  • T - Terror attacks (Mumbai, parliament, .....???)
  • U - ULFA problems
  • V - Victimization of Stampedes, Gas tragedies, Train accidents...
  • W - Wealth Accumulation in Swiss Banks
  • X - Xceeding the land acquisition limits for SEZ's and STP's!! 
  • Y - Yield reduction and productivity lessening in crops and grains.
  • Z - Zeroed and powerless LAW enforcement agencies. :( 
I might look a pessimist listing down the issues. But I am actually enlightened with the resources that my nation has got with it.With the Work force in excess and the abundance of human resource and easily ignitable people, I am very much hopeful of combating these issues. Every individual can be made responsible. An Eco-friendly, uncorrupted, responsible citizen is not rare amongst us.With the dreams of 2020 in mind, and a progressive path in plan, I am sure We are all set to make history. The glittering days are no more a dream but the reality... IF.... the hurdles are crossed aptly.
We, the youth are dynamic with unexpected levels of optimistic attitudes. On looking the list, one thing is clear.. Corruption and administrative inefficiencies are primary. and issues like the environment and Price rise are equally important. We are watchful of happenings around us and This time we will answer through the fingers in the Ballot paper. If the same old fate of corruption is going to stay again and again,to save INDIA one cant stop the Bagat singh in everyone of us coming out explicitly.!!

With Optimistic Hopes,
An INDIAN in Twenties!!



  1. Hey...this is awesome man...!! :) the design too looks great...!! :)

  2. good work da:)
    we definitely hav to contribute something to our country so tat we can preserve our culture and its values:):)
    keep on working buddy:)

  3. kno wat vaibhav.. "SALUTE YOU..."
    see ppl nowadays ve such thoughts da.. but when u go and ask them for a stir to be created they are so very afraid tat without thinkin they say "i wil look into it"... pathetic u kno.. revolution is to be created and nobody cares for tat.. simply brings one to the dust.. i oly wish tat they get seriously motivated and work towards a better future.. last not the least ..with words of Vivekananda i depart..
    "purapadu thozha balamae vazhvu, balaveenamae maranam"...

  4. Cooool man :) really nice... keep it up

  5. Ashwin, Right said .. But We have an inbuilt trait to pass on the blame on others. I would be happy if some change could be brought about... In NGO's and Service groups.. We the youngsters dominate.. Ask Abdul kalam.. He can point 1000 such associations which work with a specific motive.I think the only thing needed is the coordination amongst us. Hope dat would come as the pathetic state of the nation would provoke everyone!!! Sad but true!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. hats off yaar.....excellent collection of facts!!! though the facts are bitter...its truee !! it clearly depicts where India stands....! :( in the world race...we are still fighting among ourselves to start....while other nations are on the verge of touching the winning line :( hmmm!

  8. vaibhav... its hats off for this one.. excellent compilation of all the evils.. though its quite an interesting compilation of problems in a-z order, its equally shameful that the problems are so easy and abundant to pick out from.. i wouldn't say the nation's in a pathetic state.. its just that its got a lot of imperfections... I am not sure whether most of the "Youth" would fall into the category, or share the same feeling as yours.. most of them are either earning too much and worry about upgrading their lifestyle, or too busy lost in mindless illusions and ideas.. this is just my perspective.. but yeah, things will change soon.. the day's not far.. there's always HOPE :)

    ps: good going :) I am PROUD of you, aniyaa :)

  9. Akka, First of all, I expected this comments column would turn a debating ground. Youngsters of all kinds are amidst us.. UG degree in INDIA, PG PhD n post DOC abroad.. serve there.. Do research.. send Foreign exchange.. Family settled etc ..!! and other kind.. live here earn here n go out given a chance!! I don't find anything to accuse them for the live for the family. But i jus wish the "family" to expand and if possible accommodate a nation in that.. The things like the NGO's Youth associations, Corporate social responsibility Social clubs need maximum advertisements for us to inspire and to know how can we contribute to the nation within our available space!!!

  10. @vaibhav: The same fire n passion tht every Indian Youth have/has/had..been expressed..but the prob is the ignited fire getting Dimmed day by day and compltly goes off after certain age..Hope tht doesn't goes so out of you...Nice reading..thoughtful :)

  11. vaibhav..proud of u da.....First thala vivekanandha oda picture patha odane nee life la nala varuva nu theriyum....The thoughts of vivekanandha helped me a lot in when i faced a lot of problems in guess another thing needed in our country is the mentality to create jobs (entrepreneurship) instead of serving...people should try to start comopanies( bioengineers being in a new field have a great oppurtunity to do).when mentally, economically and socially secure..,people then tend to look towards society.....else life will just be a rat race to secure bread and butter for the family

  12. hey vaibhav its a great job n ur didi's blessings r wid u always....u r wonderful package of thoughts n may u get more n more as time z running.....muaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
